Thursday, March 21, 2013

Falling behind...

I've been really busy the past few weeks, so I've been falling behind blogging, among other things. I have half-written posts as well as post only in my head, but until I can find some more time to be just by myself so I can think, they will have to wait.

As a quick recap of the last few weeks, here's what's been happening:
  • Last week my daughter turned 1 year old. We had a party, and I even made cake with plenty of help from my husband. I have something special planned for the occasion, but I will make sure I post it by the end of the month.
  • I also began participating in an online knitting class (see previous blog post). Unfortunately, I have not been able to keep up since last week. I hope to catch up and fix that soon!
  • Furthermore, we did some major spring cleaning and organizing the first weekend of March, so a much needed update of pictures of our apartment is also coming soon.
  • The school year is wrapping up here in Japan, which brings with it a whole lot of changes, like saying goodbye to friends in March, and new schools in April.
  • We're going to visit a friend of ours in Tokyo this weekend, while we deal with my daughter's Hungarian passport and other important documents. I can't wait!
  • And last, but not least, our trip back to New York City is approaching fast. While both my husband and I would like to meet up with as many of our friends as often as possible, we realized just a couple days ago that, that because at least one of us will have to be home to put our daughter to bed, it limits that person's opportunities to hang out with everyone to the hours between our friends finishing work and 7PM. Not to say that there won't ever be a time where we can hang out together at night, but because of jet lag, new sleeping arrangements, still frequent night-time feedings, and the time needed for our daughter to warm up to people (especially after bed time), I have a strong feeling it will happen the one time, and one time only. But I guess we'll just have to see. My point is, I'm planning for the worst and we're trying not to promise anything in advance.
I will have some "days off" in the next two weeks, which I plan to use to catch up on school prep and other personal things. I hope this will include this blog, too.

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