Friday, November 29, 2013

It's Almost Time... But Not Yet!

I'm hoping to make this post a battle cry of sorts. A lot of little and big things happened this past month that seem to have just drained all my energy away. 
  • I've been sick for over 3 weeks now, going from a little annoying cold to really stupidly annoying cold and back, and I just about had enough of it.
  • Winter is here, at least that's how it feels like from recent temperatures. Generally this wouldn't bother me one bit, because I like winter, but Japanese houses have close to no insulation, making being inside almost as cold as outside. And when the only respite one has is a hot shower, it can wear on you.
  • Finally, there's been a lot of talk about our future plans, mostly in my head. This matters because I'm slipping into my version of senioritis; I'm so involved with the future that I just want to start with those plans RIGHT NOW.
So my point is, I have to try and psyche myself up for the work I have to do now. I know this feeling is temporary, but right now, it's a bit too much. So I'm going to try to write some positive statements about right now.
  • I enjoy my job. Most of my schools are super nice. The couple that I don't really match with just need a change in perspective.
  • I enjoy my time with my coworkers and my students. Most of my students like having me teach their class.
  • I'm making a difference at work.
  • I volunteered for things because they're fun to do. It's OK to do only as much volunteering as I want to.
  • Problems in my personal life will sort themselves out sooner or later. Focusing on work is a way to let those problems rest, so that I can find new perspectives and solutions when I come back to them.
  • Enjoy now, because now only lasts a moment, then it's gone forever.
  • Focusing on the future will not solve today's problems and worries.
  • Focusing on the distant future will not make the near future come any later.
  • Just because I'm not being super productive doesn't mean I have to be a complete lazy bum. Work on finding a middle ground.
  • But it's OK to be a lazy bum occasionally.
  • It's OK to say no, and be selfish once in a while.
  • Being able to work through selfish thoughts without acting on them is a good thing.
  • There will be time for _____ later.
  • Focus on priorities. Priorities are a good way to be more productive in less time, leaving more time to enjoy other things. 
  • It's OK to feel negative emotions sometimes. The key is to work through them, then focus on the positive things.
  • I will take a few minutes every day to appreciate just how lucky I am.
I know there are more things I could add to this list, but I can't think of any more at the moment. Now excuse me while I punch a few pillows in my head, and get out all the things that bring me down currently.

Tomorrow is a new day, but I'll enjoy today in the mean time.

Random last minute question:
Why do I always run to the future when I don't want to deal with the present?

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