Wednesday, July 31, 2013

This one is for Audible...

Honestly, my mind is a bit of a mess. There are many things I'd like to write about, but none of them are quite clear yet, so I decided to go with an easy one. I'd like to talk about how Audible changed my life for the better. It sounds silly, I know, but it's true.
I've been interested in signing up for Audible for a few years now, but felt it was too expensive to do so. Then last year, after the years of competition between my reading time and my knitting time have gotten too tiresome, and the pile of books I wanted to read have gotten sky high, I've decided that I would take just one more look. My birthday has just passed (without any presents), so I thought to myself that if I found at least a handful of books from my list, I would sign up. 
So I did, and it was one of my better decisions of late. It is really convenient and the narrators are generally great. Not to mention, the price thing has worked out well, too. To date I've spent 20 out of my yearly 24 credits, downloaded 97 books (not including my free daily NY Times subscription, and theatrical performances), and listened to 27. While 27 might seem quite small compared to 97, quite a few of the books that I've bought were books I've read or listened to prior to signing up for Audible, which I wanted to have because there's a high chance of me wanting to listen to them again in the future. Also, 27 books is more than 2 books a month on average. Before Audible, I was lucky to finish a single book in a couple of months, so I went from 3-6 books a year to 27 books. That extra 20 is why I love Audible so much.
True I could download a lot of the books for free from a torrent site, but when I divide up the $230 I've paid for my 24 credits with the 100 or so audiobooks I've got this past year, I've paid less for these books than most people pay for their morning coffee, or what I pay for my morning commute. And have I mentioned the quality and customer support? Another great thing about Audible is that while they provide listening samples of each book to help with the decision of purchasing something, if for some reason I'm not satisfied after I have bought a book, I can return it and get my money/credit back, no questions asked!

Anyways, this is my small love affair with Audible.

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